a week in the life


This is NOT :
  • A class - therefore there are will be no kits, no tutorial(only guidances and references), no teacher, no students.
  • A burden - this is an invitation for you to enjoy your life and record it. Not a burden that you HAVE TO take your camera everywhere during the week(unless you want it to). Some people will have hundreds pics from a day, while others only have ten or fifth teen, but if that fifth teen are good enough and tell the story of your life clearly, they might be better than the hundreds.
  • A competition - you record your life while your friends record their life. We are all winners in our own life when we do this recording-precious-moments things. We may do some gathering after we set the time limit for doing the album, say one month from the time spread, but just to see how others are doing with the recording and the album.
This IS :
  • An inspiration - to slow down, to really be there for a while, to seep in the experiences. This is only a week, you can absolutely continue it for the whole year (and call it the 'project 365').
  • A self project - that we do together in the same time with a bunch of friends.
  • A self recording journey - so there will be photographs that you will have to take, and of course there will be YOU inside your photographs therefore you have to hand over your camera to someone else once in a while, or get to know how to use your timer in your camera. And one more thing, you have to take notes in doing your recording. Just like a reporter. Snap the pictures, and write down the details. Do the journaling while you are in it. It's hard to remember the details after a few days, and it's impossible (at least for me) to do the journaling later after the week is over.

this project originally by Ali Edwards,
and followed by Ria Nirwana,
who wants to spread this project little bit further to as many as indonesian scrapbookers.

i was attending Ria's class,
and being informed about this project.
i was really excited!

no doubts, no further thinking
i am joining this project.

so, during a week from 8 may 2010,
camera, notebook and pen should be my closest mate!:D

what more exiting is the time to scrap the results and turn it into
'week in the life' albums.

and also the scrappers gathering to have the album be shown.

happy scrapping!:D

for more info about this project:


dhiestanatalia mengatakan…
mpio, ini apa sih? aku ora mudeng nih.. but sounds great. And I just found out ada blog scrapbooker. hooo, pake dah banyak yah koleksinya, while aku baru 3 biji :|
Anyway, itu project apa sih mpio? maau tau *kepo* :p
Ria mengatakan…
Dear mphie.......so happy that you can join the project.......wohooo.......you go girl!
devimphie mengatakan…
makasiii mba ria :)
im so happy can join this project as well..
now preparing for the album!:D
so excited!