a week in the life: ammunitions

This project start very soon.
i am so excited!:D

to be ready, i have prepared some ammunitions,
which will be my closest mate for a whole this week!:)

here they are....

im craving for this canon ixus 130 since february.
thanks god, it was released before this project started
so i can have it handed by wednesday,

happy happy documenting,, blackanyon!:)

to keep journaling the day..
write down the memories,
since i can not trust my memory keeper.

to keep uploading the day.
blog it down..
blog it down..

...have a great a week in the life...


dhiestanatalia mengatakan…
jiyeeeeh, layout blognya gantii nihh.. ahaha, divi sempet cerita soal prosesnya.. ucuuu kamuu.. aku tau nih layoutnya dari mana, si burung berkicau named birdie rite? ihiiyyy. Nice one mpiii :D
devimphie mengatakan…
thanks to bung divi dan kamu nihh layout blognyaa!
kata divi:
"mau jd blogger kok gak ngerti bgituan!" :p
trus dia suru intip punya kamu dehh..
langsung jatuh cinta aku sama si birdie :)
thanks yaa taa!